PARININIHI KI WAITOTARA He Tangata, He Whenua, He Oranga Second in Charge Hawera (Fixed-Term) Tihei Mauriora, he karanga tênei ki te Ao nui a Tane e pa ana ki ngà mahi hou kei raro i te maru o Parininihi ki Waitotara. Step into a great 2IC role and enjoy working in a professional environment with good working conditions. With the current 2IC choosing to experience working on another farm within the business for one season, a 2IC vacancy has now become available. This role will suit those with some previous farming experience who are looking to secure a Fixed Term position until the 31st May 2019 The farm is owned by Parininihi ki Waitotara (PKW) Farms Limited Partnership and is Taranaki's largest dairy farmer with active business interests in dairy and dairy support, beef and livestock trading. The Partnership comprises of 20 dairy and dairy support farms, covering around 4,000 hectares and employing 36 kaimahi (staff). The PKW team are driven by their mission of He Tangata, He Whenua, He Oranga - building and growing our people through prosperity towards their vision. The property is situated on the outskirts of Manaia, Taranaki and is only 5 minutes from the Hawera township with plenty of work, school and community-based opportunifies. The low - medium input, winter milking, property is 155ha of flat country with exceptional infrastructure and property presentation. The 450-cow herd is run by a Farm Manager with support from the 2IC and Milk Harvesters The fully automated 60 bale rotary boasts in shed feeding, cup removers and a full herd manogement system The appointed 2IC can expect to work an average of 50 hours per week with regular and rostered time off. There is a competitive salary on offer for the appointed candidate with the additional benefit of a well-kept three-bedroom home, if required. We welcome applications from those wanting to live off farm Applicants considering this role will be highly trusted and reliable, with respect for people and stock, along wth the ability to make basic decisions in the Manoger's absence. Importantly, a genuine commitment to supporting Moori aspirations is required. The following are the key responsibilities held by the 2IC; Implementation of the health and safety policy . Assisting with feed allocation . Reporting of key information . Compliance, shed hygiene and milk production Identifying animal health concerns . Operating and maintaining machinery General farm upkeep and weed control For more information on this position please contact Racquel Cleaver on 027 453 1450 or email You can apply online for the position at Applications will close on Monday the 30th of July 2018. Please note that preemployment testing (including Drug/Alcohol and Medical) is carried out as part of the employment process Racquel Cleaver | 027 453 1450 I