DIVA Closing Down Sale Ends Saturday 8th June Black Pepper pants, tops, skivvies etc. 50% off MacJays pants 50% off Special Occasion wear up to 80% off . Sarah Jane knitwear 60% to 80% off . All Newport tops, skirts, pants etc. 70% off Cotura skirts, tops etc. 70% off. Bridge & Lord, Fields, Bay Road and Ebony knitwear 70% off Thank you for all your support and good wishes! Diva of Riccarton 113 Riccarton Road CH-8426852AA DIVA Closing Down Sale Ends Saturday 8th June Black Pepper pants, tops, skivvies etc. 50% off MacJays pants 50% off Special Occasion wear up to 80% off . Sarah Jane knitwear 60% to 80% off . All Newport tops, skirts, pants etc. 70% off Cotura skirts, tops etc. 70% off. Bridge & Lord, Fields, Bay Road and Ebony knitwear 70% off Thank you for all your support and good wishes! Diva of Riccarton 113 Riccarton Road CH-8426852AA