ADVERTORIAL Canterbury Charity Hospital Trust 39-353 Harewood Road. Bhopdale CANTERBURY PO Bos 2040R Christchanch S4 Phone 03 360 2066. Far 0 360 2616. CHARITY HOSPITAL Emal recrptioncharityhospitalorgn wwwharityhospitul.orgn TRUST "By the Community - For the Community WHAT WE DO VOLUNTEERS ARE HEART AND SOUL Baned in Harewood Road Bahopdale, the Canterbury Charity Hospital has grown its tee services for Cantabrians in need who have been tumed down by the public health system Our volunteers are ne heart and soul of the Oaity Hospital tean Quite simply without themit would not function There have been iterally hundreds of people involved over the past 15 years including Lea Rukshan and Zohnia NEW AND IMPROVED ENDOSCOPY SERVICES BUILDING Lea Stening is one of the detitians who has recently joined the volunteer team, providing a neservice at the Charity Hospital Their services include weight management gastrointestinal and cardiovancular health eating disorders and sporti nutrition. Since the opening of the Charity Hospitals dedicated endoscopy rooms wit house specialist dinical bulding in 2012 thee has been a deaning equipment and an extended vignificant increase in demand for its recovery soom feservices Recent advancements in technology the help of buiders Naylor Love mean that the building requires and continued support from KON merovements and more space Achitecti and wil be completed later Hatrend Pradant Sharma another surgeon also volunteers at the Wihin the endoscopy site new To be eligible patients must not have medical inturance or the means to pay for their treatment privately. They muit also be aferred by their general pracioner or dentist this w " e belet give back tour community in Intial work began this month with Rukshan Ranjan joined the endoscopy team in une. Rukshan is The hospitals services and beatnenns are feguently The perion xay mochine in the haspita updated depending on orol surgery provides a 30 image af th need and cumently include penti mouth colonoscopy acute and screeningl gymaecology and women's healt, gemeral sungery labdominal rectal oral surgery and dentistry, counseling belf refea orthopaedics bupper and lower limbi cataract surgery, dietetics and urology. to accommodate new essenta equipment Much of the ground floor wi continue during the aerations s dueto be atered and panded The endoscopy team is alay whichwuure proof the facity for keen to improve its service Nure the net 20 yeas The new nett wll indude an increaned number of unparate mone eperience, including ways to spacious and private conaultation increae their knowledge about the rooms for patients, induding a new procedure and the environment entrance and ception area this year. A the hospital's services Charity Hospital Pimund in the endoscey heatre ore voluntrer surgeon Rukuhan Ronjon elinicel nuse Ante Tuok volunter urse rette Cleminson dinical Zohnia Mchiel is a dentist who joined the volunteer team last year and works every Monday moming. She ays her patients atthe Charity ospital monoger Avenil wiiomon th nne Aremowiat he front are some of the mont motivated shemet in her praticing career pecialst lanna Aramowicz is cumenitly researching the patent The hospitahs Chiet Executive Officer Car Shaw thanks all their volunteers "Almost al have made significant oral healtn improvements anging from quiting smoking to cutting sugar to brushing tice daily. Often these kinds of changes have other beath benefies too whichis such a bonus services to the many thousands of patients we have helped over the years whout their care and dedication we would not be able to offer our free CANCER INCREASES IN UNDER 50'S where it will ake place. To do this "Ourendosceey sevices hae the hospital w beorking wtha inoe dacy sne the ie oed agenenous bunch with 65 HOW YOU CAN HELP owel cancer alo caled colon and rectal canceis the second THE CANTERBURY CHARITY HOSPITAL TRUST PRESENTS most commonly diagnosed cancer in New Zealand with over 3000 botino foraed po bena vome videos talored to the hopta per cent donating to charities and "We realise there more conting rooms and facites The hope is that theough education 41 per cent volunteeing according to improve the patient joumey" and other measures the Charity says dinical nurse pecialist Anita Tuck who runa the Charity Hospitals process, educe aniety and make the outstanding support fom the endoscopy theatre is significant need in our community for folk to access healthcare. We A night at the races to last year's World Giving inde Hospital team can demystity the Cantabrians are no exception with people diagnosed annualy, in Niew Zeland the overalincidence is fortunately now decining however Pecent reearch shows that that here in of a rapid increase in the umber of people being diagnosed who are under 50years of age whole experience more comfortable local community. both in terms of donations and giving their time as volunteens Anvite your colleogues. fomsly and fiendi do o fun night out mjoy a delicioon plated dinner and an evening of top nodch reing while reising ndi or the Conterbury Charity Hnpitet The hospital does not eceive any Govemment unding and relies Sandy has a tamily history of bowel issues but despite being in pain, was on fundraising vents donations charitable organisations and bequests to rase the S00.000 reuired to ensure that the Charity Hospital continues to provide is wanted to help make someone's life more comfortable." IT'S AN AMAZING PLACE A sudy led by the Aotearoa towel Cancer Research Collaboration has eamined the incidence pamerms of bowel cancer in Seden Scotland and New Zealand. They found that despite the diterent overal pattems of disease incidence in these three countres with bowel cancer decreasing in incidence in New Zealand being static in Scotland and inereaning in Sweden,l had dramatic increases in bosel cancer in thoue under 50 mpecially in nectal cancer. relused treatment by the Canterbury Dstrict Health Board because that history did net indude anyone with bowel cancer. Friday 25 September 2020 From 6.30pm, Addington Raceway She was gratehu to be refered to the Charity Hoptal by her GPand Alan and Barbara, Donors underwent a tree procedure called fexible signoidoscopy which looks athemch-needed fee senvices Tickets $60 at lower part of the cokon with a camera. Five polyps were found and removed More information email Wthout their 100 volunteers including surgeon, dentists, ananthetists, nues technicians and support staff who all give gernerously of their time th amount would be doser to The reasons for this are not yet clear, and this research group is working with overseas groups to better understand whether ealy oroet bowel cancer constinunes asubnet with unique biology. or whether it presets a continuumof sporadic bowel cancer, hovever inoresing in younger people dueto modem festyles Sandy was initially womied about the procedure but was sorprised about how comdortable she fet Al prolis gediecty twds he Charity Mopita mediat wrgil denal d couning services fr Catbria in ed Twas scared and nenousbout what they were going to find but i ended s26 mion up feeling so atenie and relased about the whole proces. The team wan amating The sunpeon wai very gente and becase washe he elied On top of this there are additional costs to upgrade egupment and what mas happening and icould see Rona soreen - he was so lovely intrastructure that can en ieto hundreds of thousandi, induding the upgrade to the endoscopy senvces bulding For young people, this is of particular importance as they ofhen ta outside of the Ministry of Health funding criteria for investigations The Charity Houpital has filed this important and growing hole in unmet need by providing flexible sigmoidoscopy for people under 50 years with rectal bleeding The nursing team was also extremely considerate Fnd out more about the Charity Hospitals cument services or to indudea Thad a big great chat wth one of the nues ater the procedure about bequest in your will emal receptionehaityhospitalorgra what i needed to do to helo with the issues Ive been having thad no idea that everyone imet were volunteers Itrs an amacing place' says Sandy. To give to the Charity Hospital please ue the envelope included in this issue of The Press, or donate online at or via internet banking to 02000 01 00. Your support is much appreciated. CHATY HOHTAL frank fie Volunteer Specialat ond Chority Houpital freter Sandy now needs to retum to the hospital for a ful colonoscopy which eumines the entine colon, and is not concemed at all this time around ADVERTORIAL Canterbury Charity Hospital Trust 39-353 Harewood Road. Bhopdale CANTERBURY PO Bos 2040R Christchanch S4 Phone 03 360 2066. Far 0 360 2616. CHARITY HOSPITAL Emal recrptioncharityhospitalorgn wwwharityhospitul.orgn TRUST "By the Community - For the Community WHAT WE DO VOLUNTEERS ARE HEART AND SOUL Baned in Harewood Road Bahopdale, the Canterbury Charity Hospital has grown its tee services for Cantabrians in need who have been tumed down by the public health system Our volunteers are ne heart and soul of the Oaity Hospital tean Quite simply without themit would not function There have been iterally hundreds of people involved over the past 15 years including Lea Rukshan and Zohnia NEW AND IMPROVED ENDOSCOPY SERVICES BUILDING Lea Stening is one of the detitians who has recently joined the volunteer team, providing a neservice at the Charity Hospital Their services include weight management gastrointestinal and cardiovancular health eating disorders and sporti nutrition. Since the opening of the Charity Hospitals dedicated endoscopy rooms wit house specialist dinical bulding in 2012 thee has been a deaning equipment and an extended vignificant increase in demand for its recovery soom feservices Recent advancements in technology the help of buiders Naylor Love mean that the building requires and continued support from KON merovements and more space Achitecti and wil be completed later Hatrend Pradant Sharma another surgeon also volunteers at the Wihin the endoscopy site new To be eligible patients must not have medical inturance or the means to pay for their treatment privately. They muit also be aferred by their general pracioner or dentist this w " e belet give back tour community in Intial work began this month with Rukshan Ranjan joined the endoscopy team in une. Rukshan is The hospitals services and beatnenns are feguently The perion xay mochine in the haspita updated depending on orol surgery provides a 30 image af th need and cumently include penti mouth colonoscopy acute and screeningl gymaecology and women's healt, gemeral sungery labdominal rectal oral surgery and dentistry, counseling belf refea orthopaedics bupper and lower limbi cataract surgery, dietetics and urology. to accommodate new essenta equipment Much of the ground floor wi continue during the aerations s dueto be atered and panded The endoscopy team is alay whichwuure proof the facity for keen to improve its service Nure the net 20 yeas The new nett wll indude an increaned number of unparate mone eperience, including ways to spacious and private conaultation increae their knowledge about the rooms for patients, induding a new procedure and the environment entrance and ception area this year. A the hospital's services Charity Hospital Pimund in the endoscey heatre ore voluntrer surgeon Rukuhan Ronjon elinicel nuse Ante Tuok volunter urse rette Cleminson dinical Zohnia Mchiel is a dentist who joined the volunteer team last year and works every Monday moming. She ays her patients atthe Charity ospital monoger Avenil wiiomon th nne Aremowiat he front are some of the mont motivated shemet in her praticing career pecialst lanna Aramowicz is cumenitly researching the patent The hospitahs Chiet Executive Officer Car Shaw thanks all their volunteers "Almost al have made significant oral healtn improvements anging from quiting smoking to cutting sugar to brushing tice daily. Often these kinds of changes have other beath benefies too whichis such a bonus services to the many thousands of patients we have helped over the years whout their care and dedication we would not be able to offer our free CANCER INCREASES IN UNDER 50'S where it will ake place. To do this "Ourendosceey sevices hae the hospital w beorking wtha inoe dacy sne the ie oed agenenous bunch with 65 HOW YOU CAN HELP owel cancer alo caled colon and rectal canceis the second THE CANTERBURY CHARITY HOSPITAL TRUST PRESENTS most commonly diagnosed cancer in New Zealand with over 3000 botino foraed po bena vome videos talored to the hopta per cent donating to charities and "We realise there more conting rooms and facites The hope is that theough education 41 per cent volunteeing according to improve the patient joumey" and other measures the Charity says dinical nurse pecialist Anita Tuck who runa the Charity Hospitals process, educe aniety and make the outstanding support fom the endoscopy theatre is significant need in our community for folk to access healthcare. We A night at the races to last year's World Giving inde Hospital team can demystity the Cantabrians are no exception with people diagnosed annualy, in Niew Zeland the overalincidence is fortunately now decining however Pecent reearch shows that that here in of a rapid increase in the umber of people being diagnosed who are under 50years of age whole experience more comfortable local community. both in terms of donations and giving their time as volunteens Anvite your colleogues. fomsly and fiendi do o fun night out mjoy a delicioon plated dinner and an evening of top nodch reing while reising ndi or the Conterbury Charity Hnpitet The hospital does not eceive any Govemment unding and relies Sandy has a tamily history of bowel issues but despite being in pain, was on fundraising vents donations charitable organisations and bequests to rase the S00.000 reuired to ensure that the Charity Hospital continues to provide is wanted to help make someone's life more comfortable." IT'S AN AMAZING PLACE A sudy led by the Aotearoa towel Cancer Research Collaboration has eamined the incidence pamerms of bowel cancer in Seden Scotland and New Zealand. They found that despite the diterent overal pattems of disease incidence in these three countres with bowel cancer decreasing in incidence in New Zealand being static in Scotland and inereaning in Sweden,l had dramatic increases in bosel cancer in thoue under 50 mpecially in nectal cancer. relused treatment by the Canterbury Dstrict Health Board because that history did net indude anyone with bowel cancer. Friday 25 September 2020 From 6.30pm, Addington Raceway She was gratehu to be refered to the Charity Hoptal by her GPand Alan and Barbara, Donors underwent a tree procedure called fexible signoidoscopy which looks athemch-needed fee senvices Tickets $60 at lower part of the cokon with a camera. Five polyps were found and removed More information email Wthout their 100 volunteers including surgeon, dentists, ananthetists, nues technicians and support staff who all give gernerously of their time th amount would be doser to The reasons for this are not yet clear, and this research group is working with overseas groups to better understand whether ealy oroet bowel cancer constinunes asubnet with unique biology. or whether it presets a continuumof sporadic bowel cancer, hovever inoresing in younger people dueto modem festyles Sandy was initially womied about the procedure but was sorprised about how comdortable she fet Al prolis gediecty twds he Charity Mopita mediat wrgil denal d couning services fr Catbria in ed Twas scared and nenousbout what they were going to find but i ended s26 mion up feeling so atenie and relased about the whole proces. The team wan amating The sunpeon wai very gente and becase washe he elied On top of this there are additional costs to upgrade egupment and what mas happening and icould see Rona soreen - he was so lovely intrastructure that can en ieto hundreds of thousandi, induding the upgrade to the endoscopy senvces bulding For young people, this is of particular importance as they ofhen ta outside of the Ministry of Health funding criteria for investigations The Charity Houpital has filed this important and growing hole in unmet need by providing flexible sigmoidoscopy for people under 50 years with rectal bleeding The nursing team was also extremely considerate Fnd out more about the Charity Hospitals cument services or to indudea Thad a big great chat wth one of the nues ater the procedure about bequest in your will emal receptionehaityhospitalorgra what i needed to do to helo with the issues Ive been having thad no idea that everyone imet were volunteers Itrs an amacing place' says Sandy. To give to the Charity Hospital please ue the envelope included in this issue of The Press, or donate online at or via internet banking to 02000 01 00. Your support is much appreciated. CHATY HOHTAL frank fie Volunteer Specialat ond Chority Houpital freter Sandy now needs to retum to the hospital for a ful colonoscopy which eumines the entine colon, and is not concemed at all this time around