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    September 3, 2022
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Give your Smile A BOOST! GUARANTEED RESULTS OR YOUR MONEY BACK!* Due to demand, Bookings Essential! M *T&C's Apply 1 Person $249 or 2 People $450 must come in together Look healthier & more confident NZCTWA qualified Staff Painless & Safe, with no Sensitivity Rejuvenates caps, crowns, veneers Removes stains instantly Includes Consultation, 1hr Treatment, Aftercare Info SPARKLEWHITE TEETH Teeth Whitening P: 03 339 7374 | E: info@sparklewhite.co.nz NZCTWA www.sparklewhite.co.nz Registered Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Practitioner *T&C's Apply CH-9191525AH Give your Smile A BOOST ! GUARANTEED RESULTS OR YOUR MONEY BACK ! * Due to demand , Bookings Essential ! M * T & C's Apply 1 Person $ 249 or 2 People $ 450 must come in together Look healthier & more confident NZCTWA qualified Staff Painless & Safe , with no Sensitivity Rejuvenates caps , crowns , veneers Removes stains instantly Includes Consultation , 1hr Treatment , Aftercare Info SPARKLEWHITE TEETH Teeth Whitening P : 03 339 7374 | E : info@sparklewhite.co.nz NZCTWA www.sparklewhite.co.nz Registered Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Practitioner * T & C's Apply CH - 9191525AH