excite academy VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS OCTOBER HOLIDAY PROGRAMME JUNGLE FEVER WEEK 1 | 3rd - 7th October MONSTER MADNESS! WEEK 2 | 10th-14th October JOIN US TO EXPERIENCE: ART, DANCE, THEATRE, MUSIC, QUEST, GAMES + MORE! 9.00am - 3.00pm Each day will include a combination activities inspired by the theme for the week. Ages 5-13 $55 per child per day 10% off for siblings Bookings at exciteacademy.co.nz/holidayprogrammes excite academy VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS OCTOBER HOLIDAY PROGRAMME JUNGLE FEVER WEEK 1 | 3rd - 7th October MONSTER MADNESS ! WEEK 2 | 10th - 14th October JOIN US TO EXPERIENCE : ART , DANCE , THEATRE , MUSIC , QUEST , GAMES + MORE ! 9.00am - 3.00pm Each day will include a combination activities inspired by the theme for the week . Ages 5-13 $ 55 per child per day 10 % off for siblings Bookings at exciteacademy.co.nz/holidayprogrammes