wal Docen 1938 NDUM. begs to e generally dering the Ato nda Dea treat opate the la in to Mr D 028 H I P. aurhaly I, equires pound, to incial are anter the teady and pital, this t, and the hh bals ocial Part ni ate of the aking his fee the sim sipe 's Farally Use that - wait for depart by early In tires. HOTEL NIOS, HISTOIL good atat *PER ad other New Zea Inre Catet Daily and 413 80 N, EB 6. A. vot taken nbare be ublic s acil and 925 of the ill be ald atteatise the trade, 218 AINT ela fresh MATITE 4; 21 s, iron beebispest solvers Southland Times 160. years & Congratulations Southland Times on your 160 year anniversary from Awarua Synergy 1 Warming and eco-powering our deep south 117 Eye Street, PO Box 139, Invercargill, Southland, NZ 03 214 2927 www.awaruasynergy.co.nz NIL GEORG chank his for the reat 20 y than that bei Prince of Melacro Boche PA The pr increasing guitoe sedertake sight of the jag ha ti acturing co is an opaal tack of Apply br tet,"TIME RO M BUCTUS liberal pat COREC Hotel Hel 30 Bart al tais ther families ( m), bal tim SOUTE GILEA T. MOW Fint-cl OCEINE Agent to lazd Aceit estill Per meal Seek Weekly Ti CHA GLAZIE Tex C. G. b abonent trade to ro poet. He claire se latest desi at greatly COLI sol peso Mi e has been H The under CELEB Which T: 26 Jar ondan For pail refs, best me!! the PUNTE CH-9289107AAky wal Docen 1938 NDUM . begs to e generally dering the Ato nda Dea treat opate the la in to Mr D 028 H I P. aurhaly I , equires pound , to incial are anter the teady and pital , this t , and the hh bals ocial Part ni ate of the aking his fee the sim sipe ' s Farally Use that - wait for depart by early In tires . HOTEL NIOS , HISTOIL good atat * PER ad other New Zea Inre Catet Daily and 413 80 N , EB 6. A. vot taken nbare be ublic s acil and 925 of the ill be ald atteatise the trade , 218 AINT ela fresh MATITE 4 ; 21 s , iron beebispest solvers Southland Times 160 . years & Congratulations Southland Times on your 160 year anniversary from Awarua Synergy 1 Warming and eco - powering our deep south 117 Eye Street , PO Box 139 , Invercargill , Southland , NZ 03 214 2927 www.awaruasynergy.co.nz NIL GEORG chank his for the reat 20 y than that bei Prince of Melacro Boche PA The pr increasing guitoe sedertake sight of the jag ha ti acturing co is an opaal tack of Apply br tet , " TIME RO M BUCTUS liberal pat COREC Hotel Hel 30 Bart al tais ther families ( m ) , bal tim SOUTE GILEA T. MOW Fint - cl OCEINE Agent to lazd Aceit estill Per meal Seek Weekly Ti CHA GLAZIE Tex C. G. b abonent trade to ro poet . He claire se latest desi at greatly COLI sol peso Mi e has been H The under CELEB Which T : 26 Jar ondan For pail refs , best me !! the PUNTE CH - 9289107AAky