wwl tantra, 15:15 NDUM. begs to generally dering the to fodor Dee sireed posite the resises in to Mr D DC28 HIP. vd muridly II, repaires pouss, to bolalarar banor and the ma lady and spital, this 1, the bands, h ncial Part- ni ate of the aking ha o for the alm si a's Family than that art to re- ailes for depe by only iu tie HOTEL NTON, PIETON CEPER 4 1 Sve Zes ; Inre Lavel apl SON, C POL taken the wbere be la alal and as of the Fill be sold attention the trade, 18 AINT ed a fresh XATITE od priem, ter, Iron be cheapest ENTER. The Southland Times 160. years & Southland Times, congratulations, still growing after 160 years Diacks Nurseries Ltd. Since 1908 628 Tweed Street, Invercargill 849 North Road, Lorneville 03 216 8265 www.diacks.co.nz NIL GEORG chack bie for the 10 [Mt 20 y them that b Prince Vele Blocke P& The pr increasing a partoet edertake sighs of the Sog betin during cr is ope track of Apply for ter, TIME C MR BUSTOD liberal pal Comi Hotel, Es 20 cl in the Juilles ( eta, bat traine may SOUTH OBEA T. MCW Fin- GCEIS EE and car Agent fo land Accid engill Tvr Great Seck Weekly Tir CHA PA OLAXIE THE c. a. b abone trala to 15 pel. He choice latest deal at greatly Codere and passp Mich haben HE The user EN CELEB Which rit.: 264 Jar ordas c For pal iroefs, 500, 1 and best in allyured t the Fehlic wwl tantra , 15:15 NDUM . begs to generally dering the to fodor Dee sireed posite the resises in to Mr D DC28 HIP . vd muridly II , repaires pouss , to bolalarar banor and the ma lady and spital , this 1 , the bands , h ncial Part ni ate of the aking ha o for the alm si a's Family than that art to re ailes for depe by only iu tie HOTEL NTON , PIETON CEPER 4 1 Sve Zes ; Inre Lavel apl SON , C POL taken the wbere be la alal and as of the Fill be sold attention the trade , 18 AINT ed a fresh XATITE od priem , ter , Iron be cheapest ENTER . The Southland Times 160 . years & Southland Times , congratulations , still growing after 160 years Diacks Nurseries Ltd. Since 1908 628 Tweed Street , Invercargill 849 North Road , Lorneville 03 216 8265 www.diacks.co.nz NIL GEORG chack bie for the 10 [ Mt 20 y them that b Prince Vele Blocke P & The pr increasing a partoet edertake sighs of the Sog betin during cr is ope track of Apply for ter , TIME C MR BUSTOD liberal pal Comi Hotel , Es 20 cl in the Juilles ( eta , bat traine may SOUTH OBEA T. MCW Fin GCEIS EE and car Agent fo land Accid engill Tvr Great Seck Weekly Tir CHA PA OLAXIE THE c . a . b abone trala to 15 pel . He choice latest deal at greatly Codere and passp Mich haben HE The user EN CELEB Which rit .: 264 Jar ordas c For pal iroefs , 500 , 1 and best in allyured t the Fehlic