NEED A SHED FOR CALVING? CALL US, WE'VE GOT YOU COVERED SHED SPECIALISTS: TONY KELLY 027 255 2799 AND ASHLEIGH MCMATH 027 242 4270 GUTTERING & DOWNPIPE TIMBER FENCING DRAINAGE COIL ROLLER DOOR PlaceMakers TRANSLUCENT ROOFING Together were building New Zealand EXTRA BAY INTERNAL WALL Talk to our team for professional advice on the right shed for you. We can supply kit sets or help you design and build to your requirements. WINTERING SHEDS. HAY BARNS STORAGE SHEDS STABLES SECURE LOCK-UPS WORKSHOPS CAR PORTS CONCRETE SLAB PLACEMAKERS INVERCARGILL, GORE, TE ANAU, AND WINTON WE A NEED A SHED FOR CALVING ? CALL US , WE'VE GOT YOU COVERED SHED SPECIALISTS : TONY KELLY 027 255 2799 AND ASHLEIGH MCMATH 027 242 4270 GUTTERING & DOWNPIPE TIMBER FENCING DRAINAGE COIL ROLLER DOOR PlaceMakers TRANSLUCENT ROOFING Together were building New Zealand EXTRA BAY INTERNAL WALL Talk to our team for professional advice on the right shed for you . We can supply kit sets or help you design and build to your requirements . WINTERING SHEDS . HAY BARNS STORAGE SHEDS STABLES SECURE LOCK - UPS WORKSHOPS CAR PORTS CONCRETE SLAB PLACEMAKERS INVERCARGILL , GORE , TE ANAU , AND WINTON WE A