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  • Published Date

    May 6, 2023
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SOUTHERN AUTOMOBILES TRITON ECLIPSE CROSS PHEV FROM JUSTL $29/DAY* $5,750 CL T 055 hell OR STEP UP FOR JUST $20 A WEEK MORE TO VRX 2WD FOR $169/WEEK* Eligible for the Clean Car Discount of up to Jake Jenkins 027 480 5163 Yvonne Miller 027 479 3050 Motors oh UDC Fan Double Cak 40.0000 and $2,0577 Fance Aed Pure V 209-221 Dee Street, Invercargill 03 211 2233 southernautomobiles.co.nz TRITON 2WD GLX-R AUTO FROM JUST $149/WEEK* Glen Rogan 021 999 384 105 YEAR YEAR DIAMOND ADVANTAGE A $450000 conditions apply dos $4.50 ve pas p MITSUBISHI MOTORS for the ma mance of $0.50 and a do and only available for SOUTHERN AUTOMOBILES 209-221 Dee Street, Invercargill | mitsisales@southernautomobiles.co.nz Call on us 03 211 2233 | southernautomobiles.co.nz T of the SOUTHERN AUTOMOBILES TRITON ECLIPSE CROSS PHEV FROM JUSTL $ 29 / DAY * $ 5,750 CL T 055 hell OR STEP UP FOR JUST $ 20 A WEEK MORE TO VRX 2WD FOR $ 169 / WEEK * Eligible for the Clean Car Discount of up to Jake Jenkins 027 480 5163 Yvonne Miller 027 479 3050 Motors oh UDC Fan Double Cak 40.0000 and $ 2,0577 Fance Aed Pure V 209-221 Dee Street , Invercargill 03 211 2233 southernautomobiles.co.nz TRITON 2WD GLX - R AUTO FROM JUST $ 149 / WEEK * Glen Rogan 021 999 384 105 YEAR YEAR DIAMOND ADVANTAGE A $ 450000 conditions apply dos $ 4.50 ve pas p MITSUBISHI MOTORS for the ma mance of $ 0.50 and a do and only available for SOUTHERN AUTOMOBILES 209-221 Dee Street , Invercargill | mitsisales@southernautomobiles.co.nz Call on us 03 211 2233 | southernautomobiles.co.nz T of the