lture Matters at Sutton Park School CHO Sutton Park School roll has students from different ethnicities. As the school aims to make its school environment a place to learn for all students, having each student's culture reflected in the lived life of the school is essential The school held a memorial for its Kaumatua who passed away over the Christmas holidays. Kaumatua Marsh Herewini was instrumental in the growth of things Maori at the school. The .maumaharahara was held on Friday 10 May with Mrs Herewini, their whanau and the Rangatira of Tainui present. Such a beautiful day for my daddy yesterday. E rewa ana te ngäkau i te nui o te aroha e rangona ana mo taku Paapa. Ka tika me mihi ki a Whaea Molly me te kura o Sutton Park...'the eldest daughter commented The first of the Pacific Language Weeks; Rotuman Language Week was celebrated on the week starting 13 May. The week started with a small devotion lead by students, with associated learning experiences throughout the week. There was a school assembly on Friday followed by a lunch of fine Rotuman traditional dishes. The support from the Board of Trustees, senior management, the leadership team and students was immense," said one of the two Rotuman teachers, Mr Katafono. "It would not have been possible if it was not for that support." Sutton Park School is one of the two schools in the wider Auckland region that celebrated Rotuman Language Week We diligently and deliberately ensure that our students witness their culture valued at Sutton Park School." said the principal. The students in the school enjoy celebrating the many cultures at school. Samoan Language Week is celebrated at the school tor the whole of this week 1P OTUMA ROT U OTUMA ROTUIA lture Matters at Sutton Park School CHO Sutton Park School roll has students from different ethnicities. As the school aims to make its school environment a place to learn for all students, having each student's culture reflected in the lived life of the school is essential The school held a memorial for its Kaumatua who passed away over the Christmas holidays. Kaumatua Marsh Herewini was instrumental in the growth of things Maori at the school . The .maumaharahara was held on Friday 10 May with Mrs Herewini, their whanau and the Rangatira of Tainui present. Such a beautiful day for my daddy yesterday. E rewa ana te ngäkau i te nui o te aroha e rangona ana mo taku Paapa. Ka tika me mihi ki a Whaea Molly me te kura o Sutton Park...'the eldest daughter commented The first of the Pacific Language Weeks; Rotuman Language Week was celebrated on the week starting 13 May. The week started with a small devotion lead by students, with associated learning experiences throughout the week. There was a school assembly on Friday followed by a lunch of fine Rotuman traditional dishes. The support from the Board of Trustees, senior management, the leadership team and students was immense," said one of the two Rotuman teachers, Mr Katafono. "It would not have been possible if it was not for that support." Sutton Park School is one of the two schools in the wider Auckland region that celebrated Rotuman Language Week We diligently and deliberately ensure that our students witness their culture valued at Sutton Park School." said the principal. The students in the school enjoy celebrating the many cultures at school. Samoan Language Week is celebrated at the school tor the whole of this week 1P OTUMA ROT U OTUMA ROTUIA