RUTHERFORD HOTEL NELSON AMERITAGE HOTEL Experience the best of N.E.L.S.O.N Maharas Here you'll find the perfect spot to meet family and friends right in the heart of Nelson. Oceano Restaurant open 7 days 5am - 10am Local's can enjoy our famous buffet breakfast for only $25.00 pp 27 NILE STREET WEST, NELSON 03 548 2299 | RESERVATIONS@RUTHERFORDHOTEL.CO.NZ RUTHERFORD HOTEL NELSON AMERITAGE HOTEL Experience the best of N.E.L.S.O.N Maharas Here you'll find the perfect spot to meet family and friends right in the heart of Nelson . Oceano Restaurant open 7 days 5am - 10am Local's can enjoy our famous buffet breakfast for only $ 25.00 pp 27 NILE STREET WEST , NELSON 03 548 2299 | RESERVATIONS@RUTHERFORDHOTEL.CO.NZ