Heartland Bank fee changes HEARTLAND BANK From time to time, Heartiond reviews its fees. Following o recent review. some fees hove changed. Piease see below for a summory of the fee changes. Heartland Extend for Consumer Loans (Unsecured) effective from 11 December 2020. For more information and a fu tee schedule. go to heartiond.co.nz or coll us on 0800 85 20 20. Fee Previous Updated Consumer Loans Wewi charge you tha tee for pricesing ewloonlicatianncludng opooval one Fee Previous Updoted verionen S 00 NA fe hs Fotalshent Drect been reced Estlment mdory S00 Voriation Ae ence SL12.00 PPSA wetharge yeuh e rener ondwe ogee treteonce yur loan te sbsort the Refund S20 00 Fonyeeant Rerund $300 Wewcharge yuthe rpy ond Steent S4.00 s300 Voriation A tehos been neploced Cuy Seement fee $23.00 700 Smene Fe $400 $300 Voraton- Security lop ew S1.00 wechorge you the teeweogre teleose Remner Lamr SEDO0 $1300 ursecurity interestinthe se butite esetuity dgoods and tover oher Demand Nonice Fee $400 $8.00 goods Fea Demond Nonce SIL00 $1700 Voraton-tnance New S0 00 Welhorge youthia teeweogre onychange she tes of your loon nd hoverefinance kontmake thut change Personal Loans V Agen 20s 00 Previous New Fee Updated wewchorge outha eeweeht ye cen g ane pern Etaent- Diect SI5400 $22200 Voroton Aon teno Eesbshment- reermedory S11200 Wehore yths tee you eo nd we ogretronce yir knt sbaor he Retund s2000 $500 Shodement $300 Repo on Waming hiote S4 00 $41.00 Vorioton- Aneers enarar Reposen Wnt Se00 Wewi chorge yout teeeoeoy chonge hthe terme of your loon end have a nefinonce your bon make that chonge leponsen Sole of epo Vee Reminder $13.00 Demand Notice fe S4.00 1.00 Fea Demand Nobice S11.00 Si00 Heartland Extend for Consumer Loons (Secured) Eorly Sertement $23.00 S700 Fee Previous Updated Evtoblshment S00 Reverse Mortgages We chorge ythe ee rproceing ew loon opilicotion including ppravel ond oconptance Fee Previous Updated NA s teehos been mpleced Voraton wengeen te Sm.00 L Verten fee S0.00 1375.00 Veri Sety S n fe NA een beremd wetcharge you the teetagetoo serty teestin the sered odsnd uttinere SLO5.00 Mogoge Decherge lee $300.00 Vorioton Aneorsfeonoe Ainioon e New $54.00 Wechore yothe e on nten ogreeteenorce yr foon tabsorthe Ageyfe S1700 PPSA YouChoose efund New $300 Fee Previous Updated wewhorge youth rpay ond rehnd you Helacemet Card Eony Setement fee $2300 Done Sutement fee Reposeon Woning hotice S.00 S00 Home Loans (for Legacy and Business customers) Heposseon Wamont S00 Repoeon SH00 Fee Previous Updated Sole of Reposed Vehe V Refinence Home Loans (Digital) Dhe S0000 Epish ss00.00 NA ese Fee Previous Updoted fees hove been emve Rafund S6.00 Voraton S.00 Smene S5.00 efinance St00.00 $.00 $5.00 Dch 33.00 Fees may be chonged in occordonce with your leon ogreenent See your loon ogreement for more informotion Prepayment Ad t SI5.00 Heartland Bank fee changes HEARTLAND BANK From time to time, Heartiond reviews its fees. Following o recent review. some fees hove changed. Piease see below for a summory of the fee changes. Heartland Extend for Consumer Loans (Unsecured) effective from 11 December 2020. For more information and a fu tee schedule. go to heartiond.co.nz or coll us on 0800 85 20 20. Fee Previous Updated Consumer Loans Wewi charge you tha tee for pricesing ewloonlicatianncludng opooval one Fee Previous Updoted verionen S 00 NA fe hs Fotalshent Drect been reced Estlment mdory S00 Voriation Ae ence SL12.00 PPSA wetharge yeuh e rener ondwe ogee treteonce yur loan te sbsort the Refund S20 00 Fonyeeant Rerund $300 Wewcharge yuthe rpy ond Steent S4.00 s300 Voriation A tehos been neploced Cuy Seement fee $23.00 700 Smene Fe $400 $300 Voraton- Security lop ew S1.00 wechorge you the teeweogre teleose Remner Lamr SEDO0 $1300 ursecurity interestinthe se butite esetuity dgoods and tover oher Demand Nonice Fee $400 $8.00 goods Fea Demond Nonce SIL00 $1700 Voraton-tnance New S0 00 Welhorge youthia teeweogre onychange she tes of your loon nd hoverefinance kontmake thut change Personal Loans V Agen 20s 00 Previous New Fee Updated wewchorge outha eeweeht ye cen g ane pern Etaent- Diect SI5400 $22200 Voroton Aon teno Eesbshment- reermedory S11200 Wehore yths tee you eo nd we ogretronce yir knt sbaor he Retund s2000 $500 Shodement $300 Repo on Waming hiote S4 00 $41.00 Vorioton- Aneers enarar Reposen Wnt Se00 Wewi chorge yout teeeoeoy chonge hthe terme of your loon end have a nefinonce your bon make that chonge leponsen Sole of epo Vee Reminder $13.00 Demand Notice fe S4.00 1.00 Fea Demand Nobice S11.00 Si00 Heartland Extend for Consumer Loons (Secured) Eorly Sertement $23.00 S700 Fee Previous Updated Evtoblshment S00 Reverse Mortgages We chorge ythe ee rproceing ew loon opilicotion including ppravel ond oconptance Fee Previous Updated NA s teehos been mpleced Voraton wengeen te Sm.00 L Verten fee S0.00 1375.00 Veri Sety S n fe NA een beremd wetcharge you the teetagetoo serty teestin the sered odsnd uttinere SLO5.00 Mogoge Decherge lee $300.00 Vorioton Aneorsfeonoe Ainioon e New $54.00 Wechore yothe e on nten ogreeteenorce yr foon tabsorthe Ageyfe S1700 PPSA YouChoose efund New $300 Fee Previous Updated wewhorge youth rpay ond rehnd you Helacemet Card Eony Setement fee $2300 Done Sutement fee Reposeon Woning hotice S.00 S00 Home Loans (for Legacy and Business customers) Heposseon Wamont S00 Repoeon SH00 Fee Previous Updated Sole of Reposed Vehe V Refinence Home Loans (Digital) Dhe S0000 Epish ss00.00 NA ese Fee Previous Updoted fees hove been emve Rafund S6.00 Voraton S.00 Smene S5.00 efinance St00.00 $.00 $5.00 Dch 33.00 Fees may be chonged in occordonce with your leon ogreenent See your loon ogreement for more informotion Prepayment Ad t SI5.00