State of Small Business in New Zealand Small business getting paid on time is still Xero, the online accounting software, now collates anonymised, aggregated data drawnatic. At a recent panel I attended to from hundreds of thousands of NZ subscribers to give a snapshot of the health of small business. It shares it's observations through Xero Small Business Insights in the hope that . policymakers and larger enterprises will make .Hiring People-1.3% employment growth more informed decisions that benefit the small n June 2018 indicates small business discuss the metrics, there was agreement that big business need to come to the and change their culture of delaying invoice payments as the economic impact of late payments can be huge. . ctices may be slowing down slightly with a second reduction in as many months. However, year-on-year the panel that are measured and the latest results . Getting Paid 8.3 days was the average smbusiness employee numbers have been growing 7.5-10%. This may reflect the difficulties small business is having recruiting skilled number of days all invoices processed through the Xero platform were paid late When broken down into the most common staff at this time. payment terms were paid 10.3 days late; 14 day terms were paid 8.2 days late; 20 day terms were paid 9.5 days late and 30 day terms were ENGINE paid 3.1 days late. Philippa O'Mara can do for you, call Philippa on 09 238 5939 ROOM where thinking powers business PLATINUM