Kverneland Crop residue cultivation and incorporation is an important factor in conservation tillage. It incorporates all the crop residue evenly into the soil with an intensive mixing. Ana With 600mm disc Qualidisc is designed to have excellent penetration and soil movement for both shallow and deep cultivations. © Power Farming NZ www.powerfarming.co.nz "Terms & conditions apply GET THE PERFECT CUTTING ANGLE KVERNELAND QUALIDISC this means Kverneland qualidisc can be utilised in any part of the season for different cultivation roles. No matter what the conditions the roller options mean Qualidisc leaves an even and well consolidated finish for subsequent operations. Available from 4m-7m and also now with air seeder incorporated for catch crop or annual grass seeding in one pass. FLEXIBLE FINANCE ASK ABOUT SEASONAL PAYMENTS AUTUMN STOCK AVAILABLE NOW POWERFARMING Kverneland Crop residue cultivation and incorporation is an important factor in conservation tillage . It incorporates all the crop residue evenly into the soil with an intensive mixing . Ana With 600mm disc Qualidisc is designed to have excellent penetration and soil movement for both shallow and deep cultivations . © Power Farming NZ www.powerfarming.co.nz " Terms & conditions apply GET THE PERFECT CUTTING ANGLE KVERNELAND QUALIDISC this means Kverneland qualidisc can be utilised in any part of the season for different cultivation roles . No matter what the conditions the roller options mean Qualidisc leaves an even and well consolidated finish for subsequent operations . Available from 4m - 7m and also now with air seeder incorporated for catch crop or annual grass seeding in one pass . FLEXIBLE FINANCE ASK ABOUT SEASONAL PAYMENTS AUTUMN STOCK AVAILABLE NOW POWERFARMING