GARDEN EVENING MAIPINES MITRE 10 MEGA Thursday 24th 0CTOBER 6.00-8.00pm RANGIORA Growing Healthy Eating Happy0 ARE INVITED Strawberry Plants each YOU & YOUR FAMILY Courgette Plants Black Jack $100 Hot deals from 6-8pm only each For more information and to register online go to or at customer service desk in store SPECIAL PLANT DISCOUNTS FOR THE EVENING Fruit Trees a/2 PRICE Grafted Tomato Plants 68pm ONLY BUY1 GET 1 FREE IN-STORE KIDS DEMOS ZONE Sample our complimentary Bakerstone Pizza Face PaintingLemon MeyerPlants Word Search Colouring In BUY T GETSI FREE Hummus Fruit Smoothies GARDEN EVENING MAIPINES MITRE 10 MEGA Thursday 24th 0CTOBER 6.00-8.00pm RANGIORA Growing Healthy Eating Happy0 ARE INVITED Strawberry Plants each YOU & YOUR FAMILY Courgette Plants Black Jack $100 Hot deals from 6-8pm only each For more information and to register online go to or at customer service desk in store SPECIAL PLANT DISCOUNTS FOR THE EVENING Fruit Trees a/2 PRICE Grafted Tomato Plants 68pm ONLY BUY1 GET 1 FREE IN-STORE KIDS DEMOS ZONE Sample our complimentary Bakerstone Pizza Face PaintingLemon MeyerPlants Word Search Colouring In BUY T GETSI FREE Hummus Fruit Smoothies