Need metal or aggregate on the farm? WE'RE YOUR LOCAL SUPPLIERS OF AGGREGATE FOR RACES, TANKER TRACKS AND ROADS ON THE FARM. With local quarries nearby we can offer competitive pricing and delivery. WE SUPPLY CRUSHER DUST AND CLAY EACH 0800 10 87 27 Quarrymen and Contractors wwW.HGLEACH.CO.NZ H.G. LEACH & co. LTD Need metal or aggregate on the farm? WE'RE YOUR LOCAL SUPPLIERS OF AGGREGATE FOR RACES, TANKER TRACKS AND ROADS ON THE FARM. With local quarries nearby we can offer competitive pricing and delivery. WE SUPPLY CRUSHER DUST AND CLAY EACH 0800 10 87 27 Quarrymen and Contractors wwW.HGLEACH.CO.NZ H.G. LEACH & co. LTD