Easter at the Transitional Cathedral Wednesday 17 April 7.30am Holy Eucharist 12.05pm Holy Communion Maundy Thursday-18 Apri 7:00pm Evening Eucharist of the Lord's Supper with Footwashing. Music by the Cathedral Choir Good Friday-19 April 10:00am Children's Good Friday Service 12:00pm Celebration of the Lord's Passion Music by the Cathedral Choir Holy Saturday - 20 April 12:noon The Lamentations of Jeremiah sung by the gentlemen of the Choir 9:00pm The Great Vigil of Easter Preacher: Dean Lawrence Kimberley Easter Day-21 April 8:00am Holy Eucharist 10:00am Festival Choral Eucharist Music: The Cathedral Choir Preacher: Bishop Peter Carrell 5:00pm Choral Evensong Music: The Cathedral Choir Preacher: Dean Lawrence Kimberl www.christchurchcathedral.co.nz 234 Hereford St CHRISTCHURCH CATHEDRAL Latimer Square TRANSITIONAL