FRANKLINVets Unite against calf scours Need a Dr Danielle Thomson BVSC (Dist.) We've nailed hygiene with Covid-19, now why can't we do it with calf rearing?! Obviously, a calf scour outbreak isn't comparable to a global pandemic, but it is still a nightmare to deal with at an already busy time of year. Thankfully, it is entirely preventable. Pets vet? Commercial farm Its handy to think of calf management like being in Alert level 3: Equine Lifestyle farm community transmission might be happening, and new clusters may emerge but can be controlled through testing and contact tracing. This means calves should be kept within their bubble and any movement between (calves or people) needs to be considered a risk. Alert level 3 - Restrict Measures that should be applied: Quarantine/Self-isolation - Any bought in calves for 7-10 days. - Any calves displaying symptoms of illness. - Isolation pen should have solid sides and ideally be in a different air space. Bubbles - All in/all out fillone pen at a time and don't mix mobs after this. Physical distancing - Solid sides between pens so no physical contact can occur. Hygiene - Disinfect with Vetsan minimum once per week and every day with sick calves. - Between groups clean out bedding and thoroughly disinfect with Vetsan and Stalosan F - Scrub all equipment, use boot brushes and disinfectant spray bottles. - Hygienic storage of colostrum. PPE - Separate clothing/boots/gloves for the isolation pen Pet Consults at Waitakaruru Mon & Wed 3-5pm Just like Covid-19 many of the pathogens which are responsible for neonatal scours are viruses. This means antibiotics aren't effective. In fact, for most there is no specific treatment, just supportive care. This makes prevention critical. And if an incursion does occur it's important to be prepared to flatten the curve. Our team of locally based vets are here to help 24/7. Luckily, we have a vaccination for three of the major calf scour culprits. Rotavec is given to the cows 3 weeks prior to calving and the antibodies reach the calves through colostrum. Giving good quality first milking colostrum in the first 12 hours of life is therefore crucial. Visually it's impossible to tell what 'good' colostrum is. Good means it has a high antibody and low bacterial concentration, which unfortunately isn't related to colour or volume. Colostrum can be tested for quality via a drop of milk onto a refractometer. This is relatively simple and quick and means that your best colostrum can be prioritized for first feeds of your keeper calves. KOPU 99 KOPU ROAD. 07 868 5007 (FARM & PETS) PAEROA 3 PUKE ROAD. 07 862 7295 (FARM & PETS) WAITAKARURU 563 STATE HWAY 25. 07 868 9030 (FARM & PETS) ALL OPEN MON - FRI 8AM - 5PM EMERGENCY AFTER HOURS VET SERVICES www.FRANKLINVETS.CO.NZ So are you prepared? Now is the ideal time to make plans and book a calf rearing WOF with your local vet. Save lives, don't wait until it's too late. FRANKLINVets Unite against calf scours Need a Dr Danielle Thomson BVSC (Dist.) We've nailed hygiene with Covid-19, now why can't we do it with calf rearing?! Obviously, a calf scour outbreak isn't comparable to a global pandemic, but it is still a nightmare to deal with at an already busy time of year. Thankfully, it is entirely preventable. Pets vet? Commercial farm Its handy to think of calf management like being in Alert level 3: Equine Lifestyle farm community transmission might be happening, and new clusters may emerge but can be controlled through testing and contact tracing. This means calves should be kept within their bubble and any movement between (calves or people) needs to be considered a risk. Alert level 3 - Restrict Measures that should be applied: Quarantine/Self-isolation - Any bought in calves for 7-10 days. - Any calves displaying symptoms of illness. - Isolation pen should have solid sides and ideally be in a different air space. Bubbles - All in/all out fillone pen at a time and don't mix mobs after this. Physical distancing - Solid sides between pens so no physical contact can occur. Hygiene - Disinfect with Vetsan minimum once per week and every day with sick calves. - Between groups clean out bedding and thoroughly disinfect with Vetsan and Stalosan F - Scrub all equipment, use boot brushes and disinfectant spray bottles. - Hygienic storage of colostrum. PPE - Separate clothing/boots/gloves for the isolation pen Pet Consults at Waitakaruru Mon & Wed 3-5pm Just like Covid-19 many of the pathogens which are responsible for neonatal scours are viruses. This means antibiotics aren't effective. In fact, for most there is no specific treatment, just supportive care. This makes prevention critical. And if an incursion does occur it's important to be prepared to flatten the curve. Our team of locally based vets are here to help 24/7. Luckily, we have a vaccination for three of the major calf scour culprits. Rotavec is given to the cows 3 weeks prior to calving and the antibodies reach the calves through colostrum. Giving good quality first milking colostrum in the first 12 hours of life is therefore crucial. Visually it's impossible to tell what 'good' colostrum is. Good means it has a high antibody and low bacterial concentration, which unfortunately isn't related to colour or volume. Colostrum can be tested for quality via a drop of milk onto a refractometer. This is relatively simple and quick and means that your best colostrum can be prioritized for first feeds of your keeper calves. KOPU 99 KOPU ROAD. 07 868 5007 (FARM & PETS) PAEROA 3 PUKE ROAD. 07 862 7295 (FARM & PETS) WAITAKARURU 563 STATE HWAY 25. 07 868 9030 (FARM & PETS) ALL OPEN MON - FRI 8AM - 5PM EMERGENCY AFTER HOURS VET SERVICES www.FRANKLINVETS.CO.NZ So are you prepared? Now is the ideal time to make plans and book a calf rearing WOF with your local vet. Save lives, don't wait until it's too late.