Respecting Elder Citizens -Preventing Elder Abuse Honour older people's/kaumatua's wisdom Hauraki Family Violence Intervention Network is proud to be partnering with Age Concern Thames for this short series of Include elder relatives and friends in conversations because they have a artides We are seeing elder abuse increasingly frequently vwhen we look at the trends of family vidlence locally, As people age, wealth of knowledge that can be shared if you ask. they can become more vulnerable and susceptible to abuse and neglect -however we recognize the wealth of knowledge and wisdom the older members of our whanau and community bring to our lives. Over the next few weeks w'll be sharing some Top tips Give your time, your words and your presence to strengthen your relationship with your older relative or friend Together listen to a podcast or watch YouTube movie and talk about it.Or read out the local newpaper Learning is more than formal education and it's a life long process It's about exploring new ideas, seeing opportunities, embracing new experiences and sharpenng our skills It means being curious and having an open mind, in all areas of life deas you can use to help prevent elder abuse and neglect We are all in this together creating a healthy community Love and cherish your older relatives We all have physical, spiritual, cultural and emotional needs at all stages of our lives Top tips Ensure that your older relative or friends have adequate food, clothing and shelter. It's very hot at the moment so we all need extra cold drinks, cool air if possible and adequate rest ncern VIOLENCE FREE Check that your older relative has enough social contact and support and if there's an opportunity to include them in upcoming trips or visits to family or friends -do sa. Ask are there any friends they would like to visit or even re-connect with and support them to do it Laughter and meaningful connection is important for everyone. Hauraki Family Violence Intervention Network (HFVIN) is a collective of around 100 individuals isations from across the Thames-Coromandel and Hauraki Regions. We believe in supporting positive connections between people and strengthening healthy relationships and families. We do this by sharing key messages, holding conversations, sharing resources and by providing training. Ensure health needs are attended to including regular check-ups