Real Hope For Long Term Back Pain Sufferers Inversion NZ Ltd 0800 62 62 83 After more than ten years in pain, decided to introduce Teeter was into New Zealand and tarted by Dave and Nancy Inversion NZ was born, years o buxk pain Ovee the years Inversion helps to: Relieve Back Pain thousands decided to just Tive withit. To walk there was and lots more Relieve Muscle Tension the We have testimonials from Dave had tried everything: people with over fifty, years the about 30 mrutes, helps maintain the health nothing had done that he the eain as we all get older it would fix him, as speciaists Dave told me that he had told me it was irrevers- realsed that, had he ible, I now knew I had a place tried the Teeter for with he used the table the longer free. offwith the Punet I had spent large amounts off elet the tables do the nverting for over eight years and has found it keeps him young Come to one of our FREE TREATMENTS at our upcoming expo:s See the red bar at the bottom of the page for details IT IS PURE LOGIC AS TO HOW THE TEETER TABLE WORKS BACK or NECK PAIN? to apply traction, Posture: Poor posture is one of the create suction, this uto to the deterioration of the body with A difference in leg length causes most the hip and knee insuek as they uneven lods Here in New Zealand r to the wheels ou ofOr dsh Kan one of the countries mot tasue back into the dises, re-hydrating This is the key! Dises do not have conte to their own blood supply, they rely on tras igment on your car joints espected Pain Specialsts completed a PhDon fer of fluid from the keep them healthy and the years as dises get thinner with age, they lose the ablity to take on fluid Qust like Back and then spent a few years researching constantly pulls the muse les back to wheenck pain, headache and migraine and wrote on the Teeber, the muscle groups open upboth books are in most a sponge) and they start to they were. At a level of 40 degrees or more F Your Neck Pain, Headache & Migraine de-hydr De-Hydrated discs are less fReible, they are unine the harder, more prone to injury, they interfere muscle memory to pull them back out of with nerve roots creating p and aignment and ily, dies not ow th Kanji dacovered in the eesearch that the the muscles start tods is the most lkely source of low back pain the dehydration causes degen lo their memory and go with the flow" eeeer inversion table slowly allowing the body to come back into brings the hydration back into correct posture. Then using the table once a andin versionshowed the bes results of all the trials conducted Three studieshowed 60% reduction in pain and one showed 79% reduction in surgery for people wih dix and plumping them up It separates day will ensure it is kept there. the nerve roots far more effectively and returns qualty of life This is pure logic, aliference tbdkweeno the 59, r Kanji ensorses Inersion as the best method a machine is out of Muscles:A lot of pain is muscular, when been than the bodys low back pain, has Teeter inversion tables at to manage back pain, he has personally been esing the Teeder both of his clinics in Wellington (TheSports become tioht mchine i that the using the Teeter inversion tables for his own which restricts the flow through the muscles so toxins build u. bear on the body , a is a slow decine, Co2 and Lactic Acid Traction the body out ol itsand Pain Clinkci and has had such success that motion that simultes ccuilation resulting in a far healthier and encourages blood flow muscles, which clears the lactic acid into if you are serious about investing in your these things are gold and inverslon should be system where it stimulates health and really sorting ssues netreatment foe low back palin and deals with it. Most people come see us at one of our local roadshows improvement after only one treatment. DKar does not receve royalbes from the sale of Teeter erson Tabies UPPER HUTT St Patricks College Hall 207 Fergusson Drive Sat 17-Sun 18 November 10am-4pm PORIRUA Mungavin Hall Mungavin Ave, Porirua East Sat 24 November 10am-4pm WHITBY Whitby Scouts Hall Adventure Park, Discovery Drive Sun 25 November 10am-4pm