Real Hope For Long Term Back Pain Sufferers Inversion NZ Ltd 0800 62 62 83 New Zealand, Teeter Hang-Ups re was started into New Zealand and Irwer. years of back pain Inversion helps to: ionule said 'ashong was hope andlot posture, circulation We have testimonials from Relieve Muscle Tension the help it would fix him, "as specialists Dave told me that he had told me it was revers re tried t Dave's surprise the more pain, thati why we do the used the table the longer them free, 1 off with the pain either after 1 had spent large amounts of "we let the tables do the Frank Harwod lnverting for over eight years and has found it keeps him young Come to one of our FREE TREATMENTS at our upcoming expo:s See the red bar at the bottom of the page for details IT IS PURE LOGIC AS TO HOW THE TEETER TABLE WORKS BACK or NECK PAIN? to apply traction, Posture: Poor posture is one of the opens the discs and as major cases of pain and is a major contrib create suction, this utr to the deterioration of the body with uction draws fluid from the surrounding age. A difference in leg length causes most tosue back into the discs, re-hydrating of the hip and knee issues, as they contin- Here in New Zealand. them. This s the ke Discs do not have ue to plce uneven louos onG Dr Gieesh Kani, one of the countries most respected Pain Specialists completed a PhD orn how humans experience pain and then simlar to the wheels out of alignment on their own blood supply, they rely on trans fer of fluid from the keep them healthy and the years as discs get thinner with age, they ose the ablity to take on fluid ust like to comect posture is Bak and then spent a few years reseinching uwdinge sponge) and they starto netoinnth bkesM constantly pulls the muscles back to where neck pain, headache and migaine and wrete they were. Aof0 degrees or more Fx Your Neck Pain Headache & Migraine both books are in most bookores De-Hydrated dises are less fexible, they are using the harder, more prone to injury, they interfere muscle memory to pull them back out of OrKanldiscovered in the neseanch that the the muscles start todik the mot lely source of low back pain with nerve roots creating pain and aignment and the de- hydration causes degen lose their memory and eeter Inversion table sonly alowing the body to come go with the ow back ad Inversion showed the best resuits ol all the trial,conducted. Th.eestudeshowed a 60% into brings the hydration back imo corect posture Then using the table once areduction in pain and one showed a reduction in sungery for people with disc Muscles: A lot of sii muce wnmachines thout ohe wodl tang the eeter ine which restricts the flow of through the muscles so toxins build up, than the bodys low back pain, has Teeter Inversion tables t it is a slow decine both of his clinics in Wellington (The Sports muscles, Rhythmic Traction, is a gente decline and adllows the body to repair itsel rocking motion thatmulates Cit ation and encourages blood flow t muscles, which clears the lactic acid into If you are serious about investing in your er slowly brings the body out of itsandPain Clinik) and has had such success that is now conducting the largest study in the World on Inversion Therapy, ln his own words, these things are gold and inversion should be lymph system where it stimulates health and realy sorting your issues out arst ne treatment for ow back pain flow and deals with it. Most people come see us at one of our local roadshows with serious neck issues see a large you have nothing to loie and chances are,a gain De Kan does not recieve royales from the tale of Teeter Inveson Tabls WAIKANAE Waikanae Community Centre 28 Utauta Street Sat 1-Sun 2 December 10am-4pm Whitb uts Hall Mune, Porirua East Advent K, Discovery Drive Sat 24 mber 10am-4pm Sun25mber 10am-4pm 47 Te Rauparaha Street Sat 8-Sun 9 December 10am-4pm