Real Hope For Long Term Back Pain Sufferers Inversion NZ Ltd 0800 62 62 83 eeter Hang-Ups sufferers of ack in term tim wathenDwe was srarted into New Zealand and Iwer years of back pain Over the years have Inv was never an backs but necks, hips hon nte.rculation We have testimonials from walk, there was and lots more. Relieve Muscle Tension he everything he would search for anything have them in a rnumber help. schools in New Zealand for Increase had done that" he told it would fix him, "as specialists Dave told me that had told me it was imeves reabised that, had he ible, I now knew I had a place tried the Teeter for the brain as we all get older. he the used the table the longer after ely pain free, T off with the pain either gone let the tables do the 1 had spenmt large amounts Inverting for over eight years and has found it keeps him young Come and see us at our last show in TARANAKI for a free treatment See the red bar at the bottom of the page for details T IS PURE LOGIC AS TO HOW THE TEETER TABLE WORKS BACK or NECK PAIN? to apply traction Posture: Poor posture is one of the create suction, this utor to the deterioration of the body with uction draws fluid from the surrounding age. A difference in leg length causes most tissue back into the dises, re-hydrating them. This s the keyd Dscs do not have ue to te biocen unen oHere in New Tealand loadi on thGiesh Kan one of the countrnes mo own blood supply, they rely on trans Sml to the wheels espected Pain Speciaists completed a PhD on how humans experience pain eseanched lower back pain writing Fx Your fer of fluld from the the years as dises get thinner with age, they lose the abilty to take on fluidut like squeezing sponge) and they start to they were. At a level of 0 degrees or constantly pulls the muscles back to whenck pain, headache and migraine and wnone Fox Your Neck Pain, Headache &Migraine DeHyorated discs are less Rlesible, they are uring thet ab Oliy, idoes are using the table daly, does not harder, more prone to injury, they iraeefere muscle memory to pull them back out f with nerve roots Creating pain and aignment and cveed in the sesech that the the muscles start to is is the most likely source of low back pain and go with the fow· andhverson showed the best results of all the mately the de-hydration causes degen lose their memory eeter Inversion table lowly alowing the brings the hydration back into correct porture Then usng the tableonce a the dnes, plume effectively and This is pune logic reduction in pain and one showeda 75% eduction in sungery for people with de them up It separates day will ensure it is kept there the nerve toos far more effectively and returns quality of ife ns ln t it does not lat Muscles: A lot of pain is muscular, when he bs personalily been manage back pain, he has personally been are stressed they become tioht machine is that the which restricts the flow of blood and lymph through the muscles so toxins build up Co2 and Lactic Acid Traction than the bodyslow back pain, has Teeter Inversion tables a s is a slow decline both of his clinics in Wellington (The Sports he is now conduting the largest study in the muscles, which clears the lactik acid io If you are serious about inwesting in your these things are gold and inversion should be where it stimulates health and realy sorting low and deals with it. Most people come see us at one of ur locall roadshows issuem outrsti treatment for low back paln improvement after only one treatment D Kanji does net recieve royaties from the sale of Teeter vesion Tablies NEW PLYMOUTH New Plymouth Bridge Club 70 Hobson Street Sat 16-Sun 17 February 10am -4pm HAWA STRATRD Hub 17 Cam (Wa War Mem Al Centre 55 a Street Sun 03ary 10am-4pm well Road Sat 02 aary 10am-4pm