Chisnallwood Intermediate School An innovative school rich in resources and opportunities CHISNALLWOOD ENROLLING NOW FOR 2021 INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Ka ora Parents, Caregivens, Whanand the Community Term 3 has started at the same pace term 2 finished of, buay, buny, bunyt We continue to live our mota "Oenge emgina of time and explore what is beyond We held our Open Nght this year on Wiedneday 20y. We had feantastie nuben anend. so much so at we cou not fieveryane ino our school hak Peese get vour envolmene n for 2001 Atthe open night i loted some of the reasons whana choose to come to Chiallwood NA muic prograethut is intemationay eoried with an ouanding musical dector in Ms Bel whe gt Chisnallwood Cross Country A the end of lost term our shudents broved the wintry moming to particpate nour school cros-country. Wel done to ol our students who porticipatedand for thoso that made the team gorg to he Contortury Pimary Cros-Country. the very best out of the students in a vest range of music are awe get students from all over Chrinchurch, from around 30 dferent schools which works beauy. Thee studerts come from tar and wide because of what we ofer. As a reult our roll han increased significantly 31 Chianallecod is a school specialising in emhanoing the education of year 18 sudents to do their best in all annan We are pessionate about what we ofer and we know that out job is to enaure that the chiidem who come. arn in an environment that is safe. stiulating and challenging A rong kapa haka grovp and pesa groue with encellene tors every participates in phycal education with a specialiat tacher. Camp Taylor in Takamatun, which Chianaliwood owns, is by lar the best reource that any Intermediate school could have An outtanding and caring teaching talf who go the extre mile for the sudenta both in and out of the daseroom Iam uy to have them Estenalon deses and programes to advance dose sudents who are gited and tulenned ina variety of aman Those sudents enter ino many etension chalenges foreample ICAS ting 101 Nest year we an hoping that we can netum to out roster of overen trips for udents We area google school and a leader in computer scienoe, nked to the University of Canterbuny, far ahead of the new digital tachnology trands. Our wide nnging technology programme has S rotations Roboticatlectronics caled Robotronica Food bechnology. 31 Hard materiah, Visual arts. Si Computer solenos. We also have tansion dasses in mechatronies, an and opter soence 12 Fuly fnctioning sience labs complemeed by a soecialian Science teacher. o every snudent gets a specialian scieno lesson very week Chisnallwood Values (The 4Rs) We 12 Mandarin dass provided weeldy by a or trom the University of Cantartury 14 Oppotunities for techies ch as the muic techy grovo and radio station W about e put in place a te of the en ro turtaver the Christmas holidays 1 We will continue in the school donationa scheme, making it very affordable to come te os d blow, r Sng for rd m eS e colebrate how wo show the ds (RESPECI RESPOSBLT RELATIONSHIPS. RESUENCE) with Chissy Chamo assembles. We hove dance bates roffos prises, compettions ond lots of fun At our last assembly we reveolod our new house logos designed by our clever tomarki. and bandquest, just lo name a lew of our opportunitin We stated on the cpen nightthatif you wanted e tour with the principal tat would be alable. Please contact tohisnallwoedschoottfind eut more Kindard Keishys Riwoke Maximus Wain Justin Fields Pnpal Sky by Tayle Wed Weter by MUSIC Cheyene Another busy term for our musicians at Chisnalwood. Below are just a fow of their upcoming events: - JAZZQUEST at ARA MUSIC ARTS (Jaz bond) - Jaz bonds and ish band Musician's Chab "Keeping Music Live" concert at ARA MUSIC ARTS. Congratulations to the clever students who earned a Super Chissy Chomp wristband for recolving 40 Chissy Champs in one of the school volues. August Ist August 14h 6:10pm-7pm What Now - LOUD DIVISION (rock bond) - JAZZOUESI combos with evening concert on August 21st - Scholorship applications close for Chianalwood (mako sure you have told you year 6 musical friendsl) August 16th Week 5 August 28h September 13th - Chissy Music celebration at Fat Eddies (kaz. Psh and Rock) 2pm Breezes Road, Christchurch | Phone: 388 4199 | Fax: 388 4803 Email: | Chisnallwood Intermediate School An innovative school rich in resources and opportunities CHISNALLWOOD ENROLLING NOW FOR 2021 INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Ka ora Parents, Caregivens, Whanand the Community Term 3 has started at the same pace term 2 finished of, buay, buny, bunyt We continue to live our mota "Oenge emgina of time and explore what is beyond We held our Open Nght this year on Wiedneday 20y. We had feantastie nuben anend. so much so at we cou not fieveryane ino our school hak Peese get vour envolmene n for 2001 Atthe open night i loted some of the reasons whana choose to come to Chiallwood NA muic prograethut is intemationay eoried with an ouanding musical dector in Ms Bel whe gt Chisnallwood Cross Country A the end of lost term our shudents broved the wintry moming to particpate nour school cros-country. Wel done to ol our students who porticipatedand for thoso that made the team gorg to he Contortury Pimary Cros-Country. the very best out of the students in a vest range of music are awe get students from all over Chrinchurch, from around 30 dferent schools which works beauy. Thee studerts come from tar and wide because of what we ofer. As a reult our roll han increased significantly 31 Chianallecod is a school specialising in emhanoing the education of year 18 sudents to do their best in all annan We are pessionate about what we ofer and we know that out job is to enaure that the chiidem who come. arn in an environment that is safe. stiulating and challenging A rong kapa haka grovp and pesa groue with encellene tors every participates in phycal education with a specialiat tacher. Camp Taylor in Takamatun, which Chianaliwood owns, is by lar the best reource that any Intermediate school could have An outtanding and caring teaching talf who go the extre mile for the sudenta both in and out of the daseroom Iam uy to have them Estenalon deses and programes to advance dose sudents who are gited and tulenned ina variety of aman Those sudents enter ino many etension chalenges foreample ICAS ting 101 Nest year we an hoping that we can netum to out roster of overen trips for udents We area google school and a leader in computer scienoe, nked to the University of Canterbuny, far ahead of the new digital tachnology trands. Our wide nnging technology programme has S rotations Roboticatlectronics caled Robotronica Food bechnology. 31 Hard materiah, Visual arts. Si Computer solenos. We also have tansion dasses in mechatronies, an and opter soence 12 Fuly fnctioning sience labs complemeed by a soecialian Science teacher. o every snudent gets a specialian scieno lesson very week Chisnallwood Values (The 4Rs) We 12 Mandarin dass provided weeldy by a or trom the University of Cantartury 14 Oppotunities for techies ch as the muic techy grovo and radio station W about e put in place a te of the en ro turtaver the Christmas holidays 1 We will continue in the school donationa scheme, making it very affordable to come te os d blow, r Sng for rd m eS e colebrate how wo show the ds (RESPECI RESPOSBLT RELATIONSHIPS. RESUENCE) with Chissy Chamo assembles. We hove dance bates roffos prises, compettions ond lots of fun At our last assembly we reveolod our new house logos designed by our clever tomarki. and bandquest, just lo name a lew of our opportunitin We stated on the cpen nightthatif you wanted e tour with the principal tat would be alable. Please contact tohisnallwoedschoottfind eut more Kindard Keishys Riwoke Maximus Wain Justin Fields Pnpal Sky by Tayle Wed Weter by MUSIC Cheyene Another busy term for our musicians at Chisnalwood. Below are just a fow of their upcoming events: - JAZZQUEST at ARA MUSIC ARTS (Jaz bond) - Jaz bonds and ish band Musician's Chab "Keeping Music Live" concert at ARA MUSIC ARTS. Congratulations to the clever students who earned a Super Chissy Chomp wristband for recolving 40 Chissy Champs in one of the school volues. August Ist August 14h 6:10pm-7pm What Now - LOUD DIVISION (rock bond) - JAZZOUESI combos with evening concert on August 21st - Scholorship applications close for Chianalwood (mako sure you have told you year 6 musical friendsl) August 16th Week 5 August 28h September 13th - Chissy Music celebration at Fat Eddies (kaz. Psh and Rock) 2pm Breezes Road, Christchurch | Phone: 388 4199 | Fax: 388 4803 Email: |